Why Adoption?


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I write this post not to give people a reason to understand, not to justify our reason(s) for adoption to others, or to seek pity from anyone. Regardless of how we ended up on this path, Carey and I are becoming parents. I write this post to share with others my personal health issues and my emotional ride that opened my heart to adoption.

I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome in 2013 after several years of medication to regulate my body and my hormones without any success.

Basically, PCOS is a common endocrine system disorder. In most women with PCOS, they have enlarged ovaries that collect pockets of fluid (cysts). PCOS is very broad and has a wide variety of symptoms so every woman diagnosed is different. A common symptom in each woman is elevated androgens which can be caused by excess insulin. Excess androgens interferes with a woman’s body ability to ovulate. Although the cause is unknown, being insulin resistant and your pancreas producing excess insulin can cause PCOS. Heredity also plays a part. There can be many complications from PCOS including Type II Diabetes, high blood pressure, and infertility. 

I tried every oral medication prescribed to me by my OB/GYN as well as the fertility specialist we were referred to. I went monthly for blood work for a year or more to recheck my hormone levels and it was the same every month. After two years of frustration,  Continue reading

Why Seeking the Positive?


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Coming up with a blog name is NOT an easy task… apparently my initial ideas were not original at all. I knew I wanted to have blog during our adoption process and I didn’t want it to have an unoriginal, boring name (that is NOT me at all! :-D)
So, I thought on it for several weeks. I read scripture, quotes, listened to music lyrics.. and nothing came. One evening, on my way into work, I was thinking about how I would explain why we are adopting and how I want to treat this adoption like I would as if I were pregnant. I started thinking about how I have never had a positive pregnancy test. Not after all the rounds of fertility medication, Continue reading

We’re Adopting!!



Surprise! Carey & I have began the adventure to find our baby and we are so excited to start this journey! It’s hard to even find a starting point so I guess I’ll give the quick version of what led us here:

We knew we would have issues having a biological child before we got married because of problems I had been dealing with for years. Because of that, we decided soon after our honeymoon we wanted to give it a try. After a year of medication (& the unexpected loss of Carey’s dad), we were left disappointed and frustrated as my OB/GYN referred us to a specialist. Our initial appointment with our specialist gave us some hope in that if we ate better, took vitamins, exercised, and continued to try, my health problems would correct themselves. After eight months and no luck, we were back at the specialist’s office and he told us we had a very slim chance of conceiving naturally and our only option was IVF. After saving and praying for months, the option of IVF never set well with us. One night, I stumbled across articles about adoption. God clearly laid adoption on my heart that night and after several nights of research, I was hooked. I wanted to adopt. I nervously suggested the idea to Carey several nights later and we slowly agreed to look into it. From the first conversation, it was as though a weight was lifted off our shoulders. We knew this was our calling, that this is what we are meant to do.

That conversation was around the end of April, maybe first part of May. We talked about it occasionally and after lots of prayer and research, we decided to take the plunge on June 1st!

Since then, Continue reading